Conducting A Conflict And Development Analysis
2016. Author: UNDG
The CDA tool provides guidance on conducting conflict analysis and applying the findings of analysis for a range of purposes. The CDA presents an agency-neutral approach to conflict analysis that assists in the gathering of information, brings structure to the analysis and leads to a strong and methodically-substantive understanding of a context with the goal of supporting evidence-based decision-making for UN engagement. The CDA can be conducted as part of a strategic planning process (for example, the development of an UNDAF or at the start of UN Strategic Assessments), in anticipation of a new programme with key conflict dimensions, or in light of a potential trigger event including major elections, referendums, outbreaks of violence, changes in government. The CDA can also be applied to inform early warning systems and ascertain a country or region’s fragility.
- Conflict Analysis
- Guidance/Handbooks/Training