​Enabling appropriate strategic responses for the UN system through analysis

All PDAs undertake political analysis and support different types of analytical exercises such as national or regional conflict analysis, recovery and peacebuilding assessments (RPBA) or the social cohesion and reconciliation index (SCORE). These analyses are conducted with a view to create a common understanding of the context, identify entry points for engagement and enable the UN to develop more responsive strategies and programmes that address causes of conflict. PDAs also develop and lead training for UN Country Team staff and key national partners on conflict analysis, conflict prevention and conflict-sensitive development

In Moldova and Ukraine the PDAs have facilitated the development and roll-out of the SCORE Index in partnership with the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). The SCORE index is a tool that measures social cohesion and reconciliation in conflict-affected societies. It measures relationships within and between different groups, between citizens and state institutions, uncovers the underlying causes of conflict, and strengthens sustainable peace.


In Moldova, the SCORE process was conducted in partnership with UNDP, UNICEF, UN Women, and UNFPA and the UN Resident Coordinator Office. The exercise resulted in the creation of a shared understanding among UN Agencies of the challenges to achieve sustainable peace in the country and the ways to address these, and the inclusion of social cohesion outcomes in the UNDAF workplan.


Led by the Peace and Development Unit, the multi-UN Agency SCORE process in Eastern Ukraine involved face-to face interviews with 10,000 citizens, which measured 72 indicators. The analysis is now widely used by various stakeholders to design interventions to strengthen social cohesion in conflict-affected communities.

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